click here for Woke Culture (part 1)
Dismantling the Woke Culture mindlessness
In an opinion piece “10 ways to fight back against Woke culture” (January 31, 2021)(2), Bari Wiess wrote a well laid out strategy for people of goodwill and common-sense to fight the Woke mentality. The article gave a basic description of each action that established a reasonable starting point for not buying into the woke mindset. The ten principles are: (these are verbatim from the article)
- Remind yourself, right now, of the following truth: You are free.
- Be honest.
- Stick to your principles.
- Set an example for your kids and your community.
- If you don’t like it, leave it.
- Become more self-reliant.
- Worship God more than Yale.
- Make like-minded friends.
- Trust your own eyes and ears.
- Use your capital to build original, interesting, and generative things right now. This minute.
Here is my take on what they mean and how to use them to confront wokism.
Remind yourself, right now, of the following truth: You are free
While this idea may be debated by many people, as far as we know, we are still free. This is not to say that our freedoms are being attacked daily, and we appear to be headed to a totalitarian place, but by and large, we are not being put into gulags for having a dissenting view. Our views may be censored by Big Tech, but their actions are not political, they are legal. Social media platforms are merely covering their asses. Unfortunately, any actual monetary damages for dissention would be claimed by the Woke Left.
Any rational person would recognize that claims of racial injustice or political insurrection are merely the “sky is falling” hysteria of a disingenuous left-leaning mob brought on by anti-Trump radicals. Yes, racial injustice exists, but it is not an all-out macro-strategy created and implemented by white people. To call conservatives conspiracy-theorists is asinine when compared to this BLM-engineered claim that the white population has conspired to keep the black or colored (not sure specifically which colors) in check.
Since the Civil Rights bills of the 60s and 70s have passed, the whole of America has bent over backwards to appease blacks and other minorities. But that is not enough. Woke Culture wants all manner of compensation — reparations, preferential treatment, denial of basic rights to non-blacks, etc.
Yet, even as we see our basic freedoms being destroyed, especially if you are white, we must consider ourselves free, until such time as our freedom is being physically taken away. Freedom is the foremost right we have as people. If we succumb to the Marxist Left’s worldview, we will become truly imprisoned by their Woke bombardment.
Be honest
Honesty is a rare commodity in today’s world. Opinion, framed as honesty, is the currency of the day. The goal of any one in the public eye is exposure. The more Followers, Likes, re-tweets, and so forth, you have, the more credibility and economic clout you carry. Truth, honesty, and facts are based on how loud and how often your message is heard. It is measured by the Social Media engines that drive our society. People no longer measure honesty and truth by their own intellect, but by the Group mindset to which they belong.
A large part of the blame goes to our extremely fractured educational system. Public schools no longer teach kids how to think. They teach them what to think. The ability to discern between fact and fiction is based on an objective understanding of things. There are no longer universal laws or ideas that convey a rational view of reality. Everything is subject to subjectivity. The truth is whatever you think it is. So instead of a political society based on facts, we have a system that succumbs to the vociferous masses. Unfortunately, our public schools are run by Teachers unions that pander to the least motivated and uneducated teachers in the system. As a profession, teaching, for the most part, is no longer a noble vocation built on an altruistic desire to train young, eager minds.
Stick to your principles
The world belongs to those who live a purpose. If the world does not suit your values, then change it. We all think everyone should subscribe to our view of reality. They will not. The days of the silent minority are over. The world is not driven by the silent majority, but the vocal minority. We cannot be complacent. We can no longer sit by and think things will stay the same. Competition of ideas is the new world war. Technology and social media have brought a sea change to which many people have not caught on: be silent and be left behind. The vast tsunami of change and woke culture is the result of a surge by the Leftist onslaught against Conservative values. These values, generally held by older people, no longer fit their agenda of Apologism, Socialism, and Revisionism.
Set an example for your kids and your community
Good examples are hard to come by. Most households need two breadwinners. Most people do not remember the days of stay-at-home moms. Families have left the “mind molding” of children to teachers and the media. Communities are led by an activist, left leaning construct of people wanting to change the world to fit their world view. The primary message heard by children from the heads of their family is “what has the world come to?”.
No wonder things have become the way they are. The pacifist mentality of most conservatives is enabling the Woke Culture to dominate the transformation of our society. Pacifism is not what we, Conservatives, need. Action and pushback will stem the tide of the Socialist, Marxist Left. We need to raise the Conservative voice high and loud. We need to stand fast to our fundamental beliefs that provide a strong sense of what Conservatism is. It is not a political agenda. It is not a Republican agenda. It is the voice of reason and strength.
Politics is an inefficient engine driving our society. What we need is politics of a different variety: the politics of old: people ensuring society evolves in the most beneficial direction for all. The party politics of today have failed and we need to retake the reins of democracy and turn back toward a system that has vision, courage, and tenacity.
If you don’t like it, leave it
We are for the most part, free. Though our freedoms are gradually being diminished, we can still live our lives in a halfway manageable way. Having this freedom, we do not have to tolerant anything we feel is intolerable. Leaving an untenable situation may have consequence, such as quitting a job you hate. But, as a last resort, leave any situation which you can no longer stomach.
Being around woke people or living in a community full of woke folks may be ok but it should not be accepted if causes emotional angst. Do not hold yourself up to the needless ridicule of people who refuse to consider your perspective. We have enough useless social and political pollution circulating in our society. If we need to move elsewhere to get away from the vile, hateful rants of the woke society, then do so, but there needs to be a voice of reason that stands against the indoctrination of our kids and those fearful of the Left.
Become more self-reliant
Woke culture is built on fear. Fear you will lose all that you have accomplished in life. Fear the government will take away what matters to you: family, home, job, identity. These are valid fears. But. But do not fall prey to their fear mongering. Maintain your sense of self. One way to do this is being more self-reliant.
Reliance on yourself will give you power over fear. Learn new things. Break out of your comfort zone and take on challenges: learn a new skill, do projects yourself instead of hiring them out, tackle those family issues you have let sit under the surface. Take control of your life and do not listen to the mob and the media. Be confident in who you are and let others be damned.
Worship God more than Yale
Wokism is heavily dependent on popular academic thinking, especially those that espouse views supporting their beliefs. Wokism idealizes groupthink over individual thought. It encourages compliance over personal choice. It alienates people whose beliefs clash with their own. Wokism believes science is God.
This way of thinking pervades the woke leftist agenda. America’s youth have been inculcated for years with this ideology. The past ten years of clashing systems has led to a breakdown of constructive dialogue. Why has wokism prevailed? The knee-jerk reaction and personal style of Donald Trump alienated moderate Democrats. Far left leaning people, especially elitist political leaders, garnered most younger people who desired a more compassionate, emotion based political system.
God has been becoming more and more a relic of progressive history. The Woke Culture is all about destroying history, especially reminders of what many construe as white dominance. God is viewed as an old white man who enslaved people, who destroyed cultures in the name of the Church and Imperialism. We must stand up against this view. People must me shown the true meaning of God through our compassion, our altruism, and our example of how to live in a godly way.
Make like-minded friends
Friendship is over-rated. Facebook and other social media concepts diminish friendship and turn it into a popularity contest. Friendship should not be defined by performance metrics but by performance. Period, end of sentence. Friends are those that you want to connect to on a deeper level than casual chatting.
Like-minded friends are those with whom you share a common bond of thought. They are people who believe in things in which you believe. These relationships support your beliefs and enable you to maintain a positive attitude. Life is filled with so many difficult and destructive agendas it is important to have a solid foundation of people who share our values and commitment.
Trust your own eyes and ears
Truth is the only commodity in life worth owning. Without truth, there is no meaning or foundation on which to build your future. To some, truth is over-rated. This is because they are liars and have only their own self-interests in mind. Truth is becoming less and less tolerable to the Left as they use their lying, deceitful tactics to brainwash the vast majority of the miseducated masses.
How do you know the truth? By being open-minded, by looking at actions, not words, in evaluating reality. By getting opinions from those you trust and believe have the right motives and capacity to see the truth. Most people are misguided by an elitist media and are unwilling to accept truths that are counter to what they believe. There is nothing wrong with changing your beliefs based on new, updated information. In the end, it is your own judgment on which you must rely. If you have an open-mind and an open-heart, you will be alright.
Use your capital to build original, interesting, and generative things right now. This minute
We need to rebuild America. The progressive Left has utterly destroyed the fabric of our country in the name of “Woke” politics. Companies have giving in to racist extortion. They are pandering to a specific demographic cohort they believe is in their best interest, regardless of how their actions destroy the country. Big Tech yields to their customer base; all in the name of political correctness.
Regardless of how much financial capital you have, you have the personal and spiritual capital to add to the regeneration of a decent, reasonable society. History is full of periods of time when Americans came together to push our country forward. We defended nations from tyrants, fought off or survived virulent plagues, stood against forces of Evil that sought to undermine our decency and faith. Now is one of those pivotal times
It’s Not Too Late
Many people disagree with my view that Texas must divorce itself from the social mess that America has become. True, there is just as much Woke in Texas as elsewhere. But I believe most Texans, regardless of race and political affiliation, are rational, altruistic people. I have faith in the spirit that drives Texas:
kindness, honesty, fidelity, liberty.
It’s not too late to restore the faith and integrity of our society, especially here in Texas. It takes will and courage. It takes standing together, alone again as in the past, facing a formidable overpowering enemy. Sacrificing if we must but all for the greater good of Texas.
1 Merriam-Webster Revises Definition of Racism, CNN